Natural Skin Care

If there’s one ingredient that works wonders for all skin types and multitasks like a pro, it’s hands down, the humble Aloe Vera. A natural ingredient that is now gaining popularity and is recognized for its multiple benefits for skin and hair. Everyuth’s Aloe Vera and Cucumber Gel is the perfect combination...
If you have been reading up on some of the healthy habits to learn before sleep time, journaling daily affirmations is definitely one that you must try. Sending out positive affirmations in the universe helps manifest your thoughts and soon you realize you are happier than when you started. If there’s one...
He is your first superhero crush, he was the one who had your back when your world seemed to break down, so when it comes to making him feel special, you have to go a step ahead and do something that’s a cut above the rest. This Father’s Day, #EveryuthBreaksTheSterotype and hopes to normalize men’s grooming. Let’s...
With the new normal, Zoom calls and virtual meetings have become a part of our daily lives. Many offices have adopted remote working as the way forward. Keeping this in mind, work-from-home is here to stay for longer than we thought. Hate it or love it, this form of working has definitely taken a toll on us...
Aloevera Gel
With work stress and house chores, we often neglect our skin and wellness. Now, with work from home having made a come-back, time management plays an important role and it’s all about how you go about with your task list. Many of us find skincare therapeutic and so it should be! Self care should be about tending...
Sustainability has been high on the agenda for several beauty brands since few years now. And why not? The beauty industry is a major producer of plastic waste, a lot of which ends up in our oceans. In the wake of Earth Day, we decided to explore this global threat and how Everyuth is proud to support...
These have been tumultuous times, but we as humans did what we do best – adapt and evolve. As larger priorities shifted, so did the way we took the smaller decisions of life and that even includes how we take care of our skin. Makeup took a backseat and skincare gained momentum. The evolved approach to beauty...
If you have been up-to-date with the latest skincare trends, you would know that peel-off masks have been quite a rage. And all for the right reasons. While the lockdown has forced us to stay safe at home, we now have time to indulge in some TLC while we are working from home. Peel-off masks are easy...
If you have been longing the perfectly dewy and flawless skin and stocking up on serums and highlighters to flaunt your skin, you might be missing out one of the most important skincare steps – exfoliation. A breakthrough step in your skin care routine, exfoliation is the best way to unload all the unimportant stuff from the...
Pimples are the unwelcome guests that often pop in when we have something exciting like a bestie’s wedding or our birthday around the corner. And believe us when we say this, it’s not just you who faces it; Almost all of us go through this harrowing time of dealing with zits. While we may not be able...

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