We’ve all heard about face scrubs but never taken them seriously. Most of us are aware of the simple CTM skincare routine which is cleansing, toning and moisturising. This simple skincare routine is great for a glowing face; however, sometimes, a simple CTM is not enough. What’s missing you ask? Exfoliation is highly important...
Everyone loves the monsoon season; in fact, there is nothing more enjoyable than dancing in the rain and reliving our childhood. It is one of the few pleasures of life that makes us forget about our worries and allows us to be free. However, while it is okay to venture outside, dance and eat our favourite pakoras,...
If you think that the CTM (Cleansing, Toning, and Moisturising) routine is enough to get flawless skin, then you may be wrong. Simply because, exfoliating is also an equally important skincare tip in how to get rid of dead skin on face. Not eliminating them in time can lead to hair loss, breakouts, blackheads, acne, and more skin issues....
We all understand the importance of a good skin care regimen; even before specialised products existed, our grandmothers created homemade concoctions of beauty recipes that helped them enhance their looks and maintain their skins. Doing skincare is a form of self-care everyone should include in their daily lives. Skincare routines don’t have to be complicated; one needs...
Exfoliation is indeed a non-negotiable part of a healthy skincare routine. The CTM routine is a thing of the past, welcome to the new CEM routine. Exfoliation amplifies the effect of other skincare products thereby playing a crucial role in your overall skincare routine What is exfoliation?
While we can’t stop complaining about the scorching heat and how it’s making us want to sip on a hydrating glass of fresh OJ almost every hour, we can’t even begin to think about the havoc this weather is causing on our skin. Summers are not only the perfect time to shuffle your wardrobe from cardigans and...
Dull skin, blackheads and flaky skin, are some of the skincare issues we’ve all faced from time to time. We’ve all heard the many benefits of moisturising our face. However, another crucial step needs to be a part of our everyday skincare regimen, i.e., exfoliation. Exfoliation is soon becoming a key part of our skincare regimes because...
The unprecedented times that we are currently living in can create havoc on our bodies as well as our skin. Even if you are managing to fit in your daily Yoga routine and getting a good night’s sleep, stress can affect you in unknown ways. Any type of stress can easily affect your skin, as it is...
As we brush the dust away on the skincare products that we said we would use and embrace our new year resolution of sticking to a skincare regimen, let’s make sure to keep it simple and effective. An easy skincare routine that comprises products that make a difference will prevent you from breaking the resolution. When we...
It’s almost time to bid adieu to 2021 and look at 2022 with hope, anticipation, and crossed fingers. As we prepare for New Year’s Eve and get thinking about the party season, a large part of gearing up for the upcoming events also involves a disciplined skincare routine. If the standard cleansing, toning, and moisturizing (CTM) routine...