Having oily skin is very frustrating. It is almost like a daily struggle that you must deal with, right from the time you wake up until you fall asleep. We bet you have come across plenty of people who had different suggestions or comments on how to get rid of oily skin often mock about your tendency to carry...
With winter winds bidding us a good-bye, the harsh sun rays are out yet again. While we love flaunting our breezy summer dresses, little do we realize the effects of the summer sun on our skin. Most of us who are battling oily skin during the rest of the seasons have an even tougher time during the summers. The...
Oily skin is a result of excess sebum or oil produced by the sebaceous glands under your skin. Genetics, too much make-up or skin tools, seasonal and hormonal changes, or medications can be some of the leading causes. Not to worry, because we have some simple oily skin treatments for you which you can try at home. 1. The Magic...
Winters can bring happiness to everyone who has oily skin. But it definitely doesn’t mean that you don’t need to follow any beauty routine to keep your skin healthy. Simply because, even though it’s winters, the sebaceous-oil-glands don’t stop secreting excess oil. Beat the winter skin blues for oily skin with these simple remedies: Cleanse your face: Cleanse your face twice...