Home Others DIY 5 DIY Peels That Will Leave You With Glowing Skin

5 DIY Peels That Will Leave You With Glowing Skin


Peels are an essential part of our skincare routine. Peel off benefits are most often underestimated. They help get rid of the impurities in your skin as well as leave it feeling fresh & smooth. Most of the main ingredients of peels are those that can be found in your kitchen, so why not give it a try? With no dermatologist appointments in the current situation and nowhere to shop your beauty products from, we got you covered with skincare remedies from your pantry.

Buttermilk for dry, dull skin

buttermilk peel off for dry and dull skinLactic acid is derived from milk and is known for its hydrating properties. It is the perfect hydration that your dry and flaky skin is looking for. Both exfoliating and moisturizing, buttermilk is the best source of lactic acid at home. Buttermilk helps get rid of dead & dull skin. Apply two tablespoons of buttermilk on your face avoiding the eye area, leave it on for 10 minutes, and wash off with lukewarm water. This is one of the best natural remedies for glowing skin.

Sugar & Honey peel for fine lines

Glycolic acid helps fight fine lines, wrinkles & pigmentation. Sugar is a natural exfoliant rich in glycolic acid. A sugar peel is known for its plump and firm skin. Take two tablespoons of sugar and honey. Add 2-3 tablespoons of water to this. Mix and form a paste. Apply this on your face evenly and wash after 5 minutes. The perfect secret to youthful skin.

Mint leaves, cabbage & buttermilk peel for acne-prone skin

If you have been a victim of acne and pimples, you would have heard of Salicylic Acid. It works wonderfully on acne-prone areas, clogged pores, and inflammation. Wash mint leaves with water, crush them and store them in a glass jar. Add grapeseed oil to it and leave for 48 hours. Mix soaked cabbage & buttermilk to create a thick paste and then apply to the face. Cabbage is rich in antioxidants and buttermilk will help soothe the skin.

Egg white & lemon juice peel for blackheads

Egg whites tighten the skin’s pores while lemon juice contains hydroxyl acid which helps to keep the skin clean by removing impurities & blackheads. Add a spoonful of lemon juice to an egg white. Apply the mix and leave it for 30 minutes. Once it is dry, peel the mask slowly starting from the forehead.

Orange & Gelatin peel for rejuvenated & glowing skin

Everyuth’s golden glow peel-off mask is the perfect fix for all those dull skin woes, but if you’re out of that then here’s what you need. One of the best home remedies for glowing skin is citrus fruits like orange. Rich in antioxidants, oranges slow down the signs of aging as well as rejuvenate the skin. It is one of the best products for glowing skin. Add some unflavoured gelatin powder to a tablespoon of orange juice and heat it on a flame. Stir till the gelatin dissolves. Cleanse your face and apply the peel avoiding eyes, eyebrows & mouth areas. Leave the peel-off mask for 20-30 minutes and peel it starting from the forehead to the chin. Use a moisturizer after.

There are plenty of reasons why peels are a new rage. They work like magic on skin, exfoliating layers of fine lines and damage on your face so that it is free of blemishes, wrinkles, dead cells, dirt, and dullness. Get ready for some baby soft skin!



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